PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, otherwise referred to as PHP, is a popular general-purpose server-side programming language, which can be used to create dynamic sites with interactive elements such as bulletin boards, online learning websites or social networking websites. In comparison to static HTML websites, a PHP-driven site can show different web content to each user under the very same page URL. As PHP-based web apps can be managed via a single Control Panel, which you can log in to from any web browser, you will not have to possess any programming abilities or prior experience in order to administer a PHP-driven site. The fact that hundreds of millions of websites worldwide are created using PHP is an indication of the language’s popularity and ease of use. You must only confirm that the server where you host your site supports the exact same version of PHP as the one that you used while building the site.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting

With our Linux web hosting, you will be able to select the version of PHP that will be active for your shared account, since multiple versions are activated on our servers. With just one click, you’ll be able to switch between PHP 4, 5, 7 and anytime a new version is published in the future, we’ll add it to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel without removing the previous versions. Thus, you’ll be able to host all the websites that you have built throughout the years. In contrast with many other web hosting suppliers, we won’t compel you to update such websites, because a script may be out of date, but this doesn’t automatically mean that it’s vulnerable as you may have performed modifications to its code to fix safety loopholes. For the sake of your convenience, you will even be able to choose a different version of PHP for each single website hosted in your shared web hosting account.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting services support multiple versions of PHP, which goes to say that you will be able to use all the web apps that you’ve developed throughout the years. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every account, will enable you to enable the version that you need with one click. You can select between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. If you want to host multiple sites under one and the very same account and they have distinct requirements toward the web hosting platform, you’ll be able to pick a different PHP version for each of them regardless of which version has been selected for the account itself. This is accomplishable owing to our custom cloud web hosting platform, which permits us to run different versions of PHP concurrently. In contrast, most web hosting vendors typically offer one, sometimes two versions.